Channel: HazBroTube
Category: Gaming
Tags: call of duty funny momentscall of duty warzonenadeshot warzonemlg memeshazzycall of duty snipermlg shoutcastcall of dutycall of duty modern warfarecall of duty funny voice chathazbrocall of duty quickscoping montagexbox onecall of duty mobilequickscope montagemlg highlightsmlgcall of duty funnyquick scope modern warfarequickscope class modern warfaremlg songhazbrotubemodern warfarecall of duty snipingcall of duty quickscoping
Description: Who uses a suppressed SHOTGUN? Follow on Twitch for Daily Streams (Except Sundays) -- JOIN MY DISCORD: Be sure to follow my Twitch! ~Follow me on Twitter! ~Like me on Facebook! ~Follow me on Snapchat! HazBroism ~Add me on Xbox! HazBro ~Add me on Uplay! HazBroTube_YT Thanks for watching!